February 25, 2012

Steak & Pineapple Teriyaki Kabobs

     I love kabobs!  I am not sure why, but food displayed on a stick in nice neat patterns intrigues me!  It must be the math teacher in me coming out.  I usually opt for two pineapple pieces then one steak piece, but tonight I was just hoping to eat before my stomach started eating itself so however it got put on the stick was fine with me!  I had been tutoring and didn't get home until almost 7 and I was starving.  There is nothing impressive about the preparation of this meal, but it tastes good and my husband did most of the work since we (and I do mean he) cooked them on the grill!  If you have never had grilled pineapple you need to...it is amazing!

1 lb. steak
1 pinapple
2 cup white rice, optional (I use Success boil in the bag rice because I am lazy like that!)
½ bottle of teriyaki marinade (I use the cheap but tasty kroger brand)

     Cut steak into cubes and place in a ziploc bag.  Pour enough marinade over top to coat pieces, I used about half of the bottle just to make sure there was plenty!  Allow to marinade in the refrigerator overnight.
     Cut pineapple into chunks.  Place steak and pineapple pieces on skewers.  (I have a metal set, but if you are using wooden ones make sure you have soaked them in water plenty long enough before putting on the grill!)  Grill for about 30 minutes or until steak is cooked through.  Serve over a bed of white rice or just eat it straight from the skewer!

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