February 14, 2012

Easy Garlic Chicken

    On Mondays I don't get home from work until later than usual and then I am out the door shortly after to play volleyball.  So this recipe, whose title promised to be easy, was what I had planned on making for dinner Monday night.  The recipe was no problem, except it does bake at 500°, so it burned all the crumbs on the bottom of the oven and set my smoke detector off twice!  My husband came running out of the other room to see what I was burning this time, but thankfully I had set the timer this time!

2-4 chicken breasts
4 garlic cloves
3 tbsp. olive oil
4 tbsp. brown sugar

     Preheat the oven to 500°.  Line a glass baking dish with aluminum foil (You need to make sure you do this if you don't want your clean-up to be a nightmare, trust me I learned the hard way!).  Spray foil with cooking spray.  
     In a small saucepan, saute the garlic cloves with the olive oil until tender.  This should not take longer than a minute.  Remove from heat and stir in the brown sugar.  Cut excess fat off the chicken breasts and place in the bottom of the dish.  Sprinkle the brown sugar mixture over the chicken breasts.  Bake for about 20-25 minutes.  Makes 2-4 Servings.

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